reimagining energy

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Our world

We generate energy value

Thanks to district heating, we contribute to environmental sustainability, energy saving and the circular economy.

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We shape the energy of the future

We preserve the balance between economy and territory, technology and the environment, future and tradition.

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We believe in the green economy

Our goal is to have a positive impact on the environment and reduce the carbon footprint.

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La nostra storia è iniziata oltre 120 anni fa con la prima centrale idroelettrica dell’Alto Adige: da allora non abbiamo mai smesso di produrre energia dalla natura. Oggi siamo un’azienda orientata al futuro che vuole rivoluzionare il modo di pensare l’energia: non più consumare, esaurire e sprecare, ma preservare e utilizzare al meglio: ecco perché parliamo di energia ripensata.

Discover our power plants

We operate 34 new hydroelectric plants in South Tyrol, which produce 100% green electricity thanks to the power of our mountain water.


We have been producing green energy for over 120 years

We help the planet by reducing greenhouse gas emissions

We bring you green energy every day, 100% emission-free

Our 2023

0 %
Energy generated from renewable sources
Million euro invested
0 %
Underground power distribution lines
0 %
female employees

Il nostro impegno per l'Agenda 2030



We are aware that energy plays an essential role in meeting new global challenges. Therefore, we have allocated 80% of our investments over the next five years to projects that support at least 10 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


Awards & Certificates


ESG Identity
Premio EQUITA Alperia
Financial time
Gold medal Ecovadis 2023
Promotion awards winner
top utility performance operative
provider consigliato energia elettrica
provider gas
connext 2021
eccellenze italiane
global district energy climate awards
premio mobilità alto adige 2021
world's best green brand