The Management Board and Supervisory Board of Alperia Spa approved - on 29 November 2023 and 11 December 2023 respectively - the update of the Group's Business Plan 2023 - 2027. The update of the Plan confirmed the strategic guidelines of the original Plan: sustainability, consolidation and innovation.

With regard to sustainability, the priority remains the reduction of emissions, the creation of value on the territory and the construction of integrated governance.  With the consolidation initiatives, Alperia intends to strengthen the business in South Tyrol and in all the territories currently served, also consolidating the financial exposure. This also includes the consolidation of the product portfolio and services offered. 

In terms of innovation, Alperia intends to transform its business in line with the energy transition. In this regard, it remains fundamental to transform the value proposition on the sale of commodities and services in terms of sustainability and customer centricity.

Our pillars:


Alperia's priorities are: reducing emissions in line with territorial objectives, generating added value to the territory (Net Zero by 2040), adopting inclusion, equity & diversity policies and creating an integrated governance model to transform the Group's main companies into Benefit Companies and obtain an ESG rating.


Alperia intends to strengthen its business in South Tyrol and in all the territories it currently serves by consolidating its financial exposure. This also includes the consolidation of its product and service portfolio and the formal establishment of a sustainable finance framework aimed at consolidating its capital structure.


Alperia intends to develop its business in line with the energy transition. Key to this will be transforming the value proposition of commodity sales and services to follow sustainable and customer-centric principles. In general, Alperia intends to pursue widespread innovation in its core businesses and develop new businesses for decarbonisation (H2, biomethane, CER and photovoltaics).

From words to actions

0 Mio €
of total investments until 2027, with a focus on economic and social impacts across local territories
0 %
70% emission reduction by 2031 with offsetting of non-avoidable emissions and Net Zero by 2040
0   Mrd €
EBITDA cumulato 2023 - 2027

The agreed objectives will be implemented in the individual BUs through a range of priorities and actions to support growth:

Generation BU
  • Task Force for the renewal of expiring concessions
  • Confirmation of the capacity market also for 2024
Grids BU
  • Installation of more than 260,000 new generation electricity meters
  • Reinforcement and integration of the Bolzano and Merano grids
  • Upgrading of the grid in view of the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Sales BU
  • Increase in customers through organic growth and extraordinary transactions
  • New customer offers: 100% green electricity and gas
  • Planned increase in electricity sales to end customers to 6.5 TWh in 2027, more than 75% of which will be through green energy
  • Planned decrease in gas sales to end customers, which will reach just over 460 million SMC in 2027, of which over 56% will be green gas and 6% biomethane.
BU Trading
  • Development of the Asset Management portfolio for third-party plants
  • Development of additional Trading and Demand Response services
Heat and Services BU
  • Further development of district heating in Bolzano
  • Improvement of the energy mix in Merano
  • Construction of 6 new plants, of which 3 biomass plants
  • Construction of a cooling plant in Bolzano
  • Significant increase in the proportion of biomass for thermal energy production, from 40% (2022) to 53% (2027)
Smart Region BU
  • Increase in energy efficiency of buildings
  • Growth in the Public Administration business segment through PPP models
  • Development of Smart Health and Smart City solutions
  • Reference player on the Italian market in the management of both residential and business photovoltaics
  • Support for the realisation of biomethane production plants

"This is Alperia's third industrial plan, which will take us up to 2027. We have also set ourselves a vision for 2031 that outlines our medium- to long-term path, in accordance with national and local strategic plans. With this plan we intend to make South Tyrol an example of best practice in sustainability and innovation, while also taking any opportunities offered by the energy sector on a national scale". Luis Amort, General Director of the Alperia Group