Every day we strive to create shared value in the territories and communities where we operate, combining our industrial objectives with the socio-economic development of the areas in which we carry out our activities.

We work with respect for the ecosystem, people and communities and are responsible for the way we manage water resources, for the safety and impact of our plants and for the wellbeing of the people who work with us.

From 2020 we offset our operational emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) and have set ourselves the target of reducing emissions by 46% by 2027 and 70% by 2031 (compared to 2021) to finally reach Net Zero by 2040.

We believe in constant dialogue with our stakeholders. By listening to each other and exchanging knowledge and experience, we established 16 material topics on which Alperia has built its Sustainability Plan.

Our sustainability policy

Our sustainability policy

The 16 material topics, which identufy Alperia's priorities, have been divided into five areas of action:

  • Health and safety at work
  • Employee involvement and development
  • Diversity and equal opportunities
Governance & Resilience
  • Integrated governace and good business conduct
  • Economic development and resilience of business model
  • Security and accessibility of supply
  • Asset Integrity
  • Innovation, digitisation, research and development
  • Cyber security & Data Protection
The five strategic areas of action and the associated material topics
Green Mission
  • Energy
  • Emissions
  • Water
  • Sustainable energy products and services
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Added value for the territory
  • Supply Chain
The five strategic areas of action and the associated material topics
  • Health and safety at work
  • Employee involvement and development
  • Diversity and equal opportunities
Governance & resilience
  • Integrated governace and good business conduct
  • Economic development and resilience of business model
  • Security and accessibility of supply
  • Asset Integrity
  • Innovation, digitisation, research and development
  • Cyber security & Data Protection
Green Mission
  • Energy
  • Emissions
  • Water
  • Cyber Security
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Marketing and transparent communication
  • Added value for the territory
  • Supply Chain


espansione smart region

We want to:

  • anchor our governance to sustainability and build an integrated governance model;
  • create long-term economic value and make our business model resilient;
  • ensure a secure, efficient and sustainable energy supply;
  • ensure maximum safety in our plants, the protection of personnel, the population and the surrounding areas (asset integrity);
  • actively contribute to the energy transition with new technological solutions;
  • ensure data protection and information security (cyber security & data protection).
lavoro e vita privata

We want to:

  • make 100% of our business activity green, increasing the share of sustainable products and services and customers served by district heating, while improving the offer of charging stations for e-mobility.;
  • offer our clients quick and solution-oriented customer service and increase awareness of green solutions by building knowledge of the energy transition and promoting energy efficiency projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
I guardiadighe di Alperia

We want to:

  • minimise the impact of our hydroelectric power plants on nature and the environment and actively protect the biological diversity of waterways;
  • make our energy consumption more efficient through measuring instruments for energy monitoring and energy efficiency projects;
  • From 2020 we offset our operational emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) and have set ourselves the target of reducing emissions by 46% by 2027 and 70% by 2031 (compared to 2021) to finally reach Net Zero by 2040.

We want to:

  • create added value in terms of jobs, taxes, supply contracts and social engagement activities;
  • manage the supply chain in a sustainable manner, with the establishment of minimum ecological and social requirements in tenders, supplier selection, evaluation and audit of suppliers;
  • carry out constant monitoring and maintenance activities to ensure safe plants, avoid breakdowns and inefficiencies for customers and eliminate inefficiencies and the waste of resources and energy.

We want to:

  • recognise differences and actively manage them, promote female empowerment through leadership programmes aimed at women, professional development paths and work-life balance measures;
  • promote the wellbeing and quality of life of our employees and ensure the highest level of safety by implementing all necessary measures (e.g., ergonomic courses) to reduce the risks arising from our activities;
  • create an appreciative, open and welcoming working environment to increase the employee satisfaction index;
  • support professional development with tailored training paths, valuing the specific skills of the various generations and implementing career development programmes.

our daily commitment

Safety first

We have invested EUR 180 million so far to maintain our facilities and eliminate inefficiencies. We carry out constant monitoring activities to ensure safety and avoid breakdowns and inefficiencies.

Investments in Research and Development

The energy transition requires major investments in innovation: we have invested more than two million euros in this area and created an Innovation Board to manage investments in an increasingly targeted manner.

Digital challenges

The digitisation process has entered an increasingly advanced phase. In 2021, Alperia's Data Protection & Security structure was consolidated, ISO 27001 certification was renewed and a training platform on cyber-security and data protection was introduced.

Focus on our team

People are our strength. We invest in their growth, we support diversity, we support them with work-life balance measures, and we create an inclusive and secure environment, where everyone is free to express their full potential.

Commitment to customers

We supply electricity, natural gas and district heating to almost 381,000 customers. Families and companies with whom we are building a transparent relationship, with an assiduous presence in the area.

The Plan to reduce emissions

We have achieved carbon neutrality by offsetting our emissions from operations. To reduce them further, we have built new district heating plants and implemented measures such as sending bills digitally, smart working, green mobility for our staff and electrifying our entire car fleet.

Our sustainable products and services

100% of the energy we sell to residential customers is green and the share of green gas has also increased. We have also strengthened our presence among SMEs based outside South Tyrol so that they adopt our Green Energy and Green Gas.

Sustainable Finance & ESG Rating

Alperia has received unsolicited Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings from Fitch Rating Agency in October 2023. These ratings underscore our commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. Alperia obtained the following scores on a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 is the strongest:

Entity level: 2

Our overall entity rating reflects a strong ESG performance with a score of 80/100. This rating acknowledges Alperia's dedication to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and effective governance practices.

Instrument (Green Bond 2023) rating: 1

Alperia's Green Bond has been awarded a rating of 1, with a score of 89/100. This underlines the high environmental and social standards embedded in our financial instruments, demonstrating our focus on financing projects with positive impacts on the planet and society.

Green Financing Framework rating: 2

The Framework rating of 2, with a score of 82/100, highlights the robustness and transparency of Alperia's ESG framework. This recognition reinforces our commitment to maintaining high standards in managing ESG risks and opportunities across our operations.

These ratings are proofing Alperia's ongoing efforts to integrate sustainability into our core business strategy. We remain dedicated to advancing a greener and more responsible future while delivering long-term value to our stakeholders.