The renewal of the concessions for the large hydroelectric plants in 2011 is accompanied by significant environmental measures and the necessary financial resources. Alperia is allocating approximately 400 million euros in environmental funds for the entire 30-year concession period. These funds benefit the riverside and local communities where the hydroelectric plants are situated.

This funding enables numerous measures aimed at preserving and improving the environment and landscape, as well as benefiting the population

consulta idroelettrico

Hydroelectric plant advisory boards

For each hydroelectric plant, an advisory board decides on the measures to be implemented for the respective plant. The advisory boards are composed of representatives from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the respective affected municipality, and the concession holder.

More than 500 measures have already been realized or are in the implementation phase thanks to the environmental funds. These include, among others:

new hiking trails and recreational facilities
energy-saving lighting systems
energetically renovated public buildings
installed underground lines

To date, 43 neighboring communities have benefited from environmental funding and have successfully completed several projects. These included, among others:

  • Improvement in wastewater treatment
  • Restoration or enhancement of natural areas
  • Energy-saving measures, measures to reduce air pollution, and efforts to preserve the alpine landscape

In addition, there are further measures, particularly aimed at improving the environmental compatibility of hydroelectric plants, such as the construction of fish ladders or the monitoring of watercourses to ensure and optimize the residual water flow.

Since 2011, Alperia provides the following annual funding:

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
€ 15,605.564 € 15,616.380 € 15,590.449 € 17,819.901 € 17,589.916 € 16,431.279


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
€ 17,807.960 € 17,807.960 € 18,807.090 € 18,909.849 € 19,270.061 € 19,951.522 € 21,889.465