Corporate Social Responsibility activities are carried out by CSR Management within the Brand & Communication department, which will promote integrated ESG governance at all levels of the organisation (risk management, policies and processes, corporate culture, reporting and performance):


ESG Governance
Governance ESG
Monitoring and implementation of new legal requirements concerning ESG governance.
Supporting the competent bodies
Supporting the competent governing and supervisory bodies in defining the Sustainability Plan through relevant proposals.
Drafting of the sustainability report
Presiding over the drafting of the Sustainability Report, to be submitted to the competent bodies for approval.
Corporate Social Responsability
Designing, implementing and monitoring Corporate Social Responsibility activities, coordinating initiatives at Group level.

Collaborating with the CSR Steering Committee (the interface between the Group's employees and CSR Management, responsible for reporting on current activities, assessing CSR performance, presenting proposals for improvement, measuring targets and aims to be achieved and promoting awareness of sustainability issues).
Periodic monitoring
Providing adequate reporting on the matter and periodically updating the competent bodies on the progress of the initiatives undertaken.
Stakeholder management
Coordinating stakeholder management at Group level.

Through the One Vision Plan, we want to ensure the effective integration of sustainability in relation to:

Integration of sustainability in the following areas:

  • risk management
    (e.g. managing reputational, climate and cyber risks);
  • definition of policies and procedures
    (e.g. formalising a CSR Management procedure, defining a Diversity Policy together with a Diversity Manager and considering the adoption of a Code of Conduct)
  • strengthening the corporate culture
    (e.g. through awareness-raising activities that will increase internal communication on ESG issues and the development of a plan to include ESG issues in Corporate Training Programmes)
  • definition of reporting & performance
    to ensure the quality of non-financial data as well as clear goals

Remuneration policy

We are committed to engage all the people who work at Alperia in the achievement of our sustainability goals.

To this end, in 2020 we started linking employee production bonuses and top management’s Management by Objectives (MBO) to the achievement of sustainability goals, subdividing them according to the following criteria:

  • Production bonus: achieving at least 60% of the targets defined in the Sustainability Plan each year will affect the production bonus.
  • Management by Objectives (MBO): our top management staff must include at least one sustainability objective in their MBO.

These are key criteria to stimulate and motivate all employees to achieve the goals set out in our Sustainability Policy, also through individual action, by acting on Alperia's five strategic areas (Territory; Development and Innovation; Green Mission; Customers and Employees).


Elenco dei candidati

Manifestazione d’interesse alla presentazione di candidature per l’incarico di componente degli organi di amministrazione e controllo nonché degli organismi di vigilanza ex D.Lgs. 231/2001 nelle società del Gruppo Alperia

Il Gruppo Alperia sta raccogliendo manifestazioni d’interesse di persone interessate a svolgere incarichi all’interno degli organi di amministrazione e di controllo nonché degli organismi di vigilanza ex D.Lgs. 231/2001 delle società del Gruppo Alperia.Nel caso di un eventuale cortese interesse,  invitiamo l’interessato a trasmettere il proprio curriculum vitae unitamente ad una lettera di presentazione al seguente indirizzo e-mail: specificando la posizione/attività di interesse, nonché il consenso alla propria iscrizione nell’elenco dei candidati e al trattamento da parte nostra dei relativi dati. Si segnala che il suddetto elenco viene tenuto indipendentemente dalla concreta esistenza di una posizione vacante. Esso non comporta alcun obbligo da parte di Alperia SpA o di una società figlia di occupare posti vacanti con gli iscritti, né da parte degli iscritti di accettare posizioni eventualmente offerte. Infine, si informa che, per quanto previsto dagli statuti sociali delle società del Gruppo Alperia, non possono essere nominati membri degli organi di amministrazione e di controllo coloro che alla data di nomina abbiano già compiuto 70 (settanta) anni di età.